
Stairmaster Your Way to Hiking Success with This Awesome Workout

Are you ready to hit the trails this hiking season but worried about your stamina and endurance? Whether you're planning a scenic day hike or tackling a multi-day backpacking trip, there's one thing for sure – your cardio and muscle endurance is important. By incorporating Stairmaster intervals into your workout routine, you can build endurance, increase your heart rate, and get your legs ready for even the toughest trails. That’s why Coach Andrew designed this heart-pumping workout to keep you up in the mountains longer.

This 30-minute session focuses on 60 second bursts of speed with a 3-minute recovery to allow your heart rate to come back down.

The Workout:

Get on the Stairmaster, then:

  • 2-minute warm up pace
  • 7 rounds of 1 minute high-intensity (a 9 effort out of 10) followed immediately by 3 minutes of low-intensity (a 3 effort out of 10)
  • 1-minute cool down
  • 5 minutes of stretching


Happy Climbing!

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