
5 Ways To Feel Motivated When You're Tired

In-Shape | 28 Feb, 2022 | Wellness Tips & Trends | Return|

We all have off days. Maybe you didn’t get a good night’s sleep, or maybe you’re stressed out, which has left you feeling exhausted. We're all so busy that it can be a challenge to keep working towards your fitness goals, especially on those off days. But it turns out there are some things that can help.


1. Pump yourself up with music

Obviously, you have a great playlist once you get to the club; consider turning it on early. Pump yourself up with great tunes while you pack your gym bag, change into workout clothes, and get out the door. Music engages our sympathetic nervous system, which helps ready our bodies for whatever comes next.

2. Meet a friend for a workout

Working out with people you like is an instant motivation boost—and talking to a friend can be really rewarding when you’re feeling tired or burned out.

3. Change up your routine

Switching things up can give you a boost of energy—so if you’re always in the weight room, maybe today’s the day you try yoga. Or if studio classes are your jam, try the 29-Minute Circuit or go for a swim.

4. Try a power nap

For most healthy adults, the occasional nap offers major benefits. Napping has been shown to boost your memory, make you feel less cranky, and can help you catch up on much-needed rest after a late night. Try a 20-minute nap and see if you’re feeling refreshed.

5. Compromise

Maybe today isn’t going to be the day you get in an amazing hour-long workout—and that’s okay! Give yourself permission to do something small. Maybe you’ll just walk on the treadmill for ten minutes, or only do the first five minutes of your lifting plan. Odds are that once you get started, it’ll be easier to keep going, but give yourself a small goal and see how you feel when you’re done. Showing up is half the battle.


What if it didn’t work?
These tips are great, but make sure to listen to your body and rest when you need it. If you’re not feeling up to exercise, that may be your body telling you it’s time for a rest day.



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