
How to Set Your Fitness Goals and Actually Reach Them in 2023

In-Shape | 20 Jan, 2023 | Wellness Tips & Trends | Return|

2023 is around the corner and let’s face it, the New Year’s Resolutions craze is often a short-lived moment of motivation that ends with a lingering disappointment the rest of the year when we don’t “reach our goals”. The idea of “New Year, New Me” sells the notion that somehow, we have to reinvent ourselves every year and that just simply is not the case. Focus goal setting on taking one step forward at a time toward change rather than a complete reinvention. This will result in sustainable, long-lasting change. Here are some keys to setting fitness goals that are both attainable and sustainable in 2023.

Choose something achievable – for you, not others

While choosing new goals, it can be dangerous to compare yourself to others. Sure, some people achieved new PRs and ran their first marathons in 2022, but if that’s not your story, that’s okay! What’s a specific, achievable goal that you can work toward this year? Maybe it’s working out three times per week, dedicating time for self-care on Sunday nights, or only ordering takeout once a week.

Consider setting a broader intention instead

If you’re naturally a go-getter—or if New Year’s Resolutions are always a struggle—consider leaving your super-specific goals behind for something broader in 2023. Coach Jacqueline chooses a new one-word intention for the year. This could be a word like “Health” (which might mean scheduling the check-ups you’ve been avoiding, making changes to your diet and exercising more) or “Explore” (which could look like taking a new fitness class each month or trying that new hobby you’ve been curious about). Some more one-word resolution options we love for 2021? Balance, belong, creativity, intuition, enough.

Let go of the “all or nothing” mentality

Once you’ve chosen your goal or intention, leave some room for flexibility. We often set these large drastic goals and dive in headfirst, only to find ourselves completely burned out and unmotivated by February. Find a balance between pushing yourself to reach new heights and treating yourself with empathy and compassion if you fall off here and there. Remember, fitness and wellness is a marathon not a sprint. Enjoy the privilege of movement and take it one day at a time.

Here’s to a year of staying flexible and reaching our goals. Here’s to 2023!

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