
3 In-Shape Coaches Share Their New Year's Resolutions

In-Shape | 22 Dec, 2021 | Wellness Tips & Trends | Return|

Still stuck on what your resolution should be this year? It can be tempting to pick something vague like “be healthier” or “get in shape,” but a great resolution involves a plan on how you’ll conquer it.

If you’re not sure what yours should be, we’re here to help. We asked three of our coaches what their resolutions are for 2022, and how they plan to crush ‘em—keep reading for some New Year’s inspiration.



Coach Jordan
Teaches: Freestyle RIDE, RPM, and SPRINT

“My New Year's Resolution is to be intentional on practicing mindfulness. Getting caught up in our day-to-day lives gets in the way of being fully present and can sometimes put us on autopilot! I plan to practice mindfulness every day by making sure I take a pause and a breath before I act or react. Just like in a cycle class, the work that you put in and the focus you bring to the now, will only positively impact you in the long run!”



Coach Jaime
Teaches: BODYPUMP, Les Mills Core and Freestyle Cycling

“My New Year’s resolution is to continue to work on my goal of getting stronger, both physically and mentally. Sometimes as a coach, I don’t make time for my OWN workouts. My plan is to schedule 2 days a week where I’ll lift weights on my own to gain strength to build lean muscle! Also, I have recently found a love for going on walks which has been great for my mental health. I want to continue doing this into the new year!”



Coach Keri
Teaches: Aqua Fit

“My personal goal for 2022 is to spend more time on ME – not a lot, but just more than this past year. As a mom of two young girls, I love spending time with them and watching them participate in all their sports and activities, but I need to stop pushing off my own self-care and go for a run. I need to schedule my monthly massage, so my credits don’t keep adding up. I need to put my foot down and listen to my 90s/00s hits rather than the latest movie soundtrack in my car. My girls are mini-mes, and I need to show them a good example of how to take care of ‘me’! #livelifewell”



About the Author


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