
5 Tips to Get Your Steps In

In-Shape | 17 Feb, 2021 | Wellness Tips & Trends | Return|

Need ideas for how to get your steps in? We’ve got you covered with these 5 easy tips:

1. Reminder To Move
Set an alarm on your phone to go off every hour to remind you to get out for a quick 10-minute walk.

2. Walk And Talk
Take your phone calls while on a stroll. There’s proof that movement helps stimulate creativity, so get moving!

3. Get Your Workout In
The easiest way to get your steps in is through working out! No gym? No problem. Grab your running shoes and head outside for a jog.

4. Play Tag With Your Kids
Get outside and get the wiggles out with your little ones in a fun game of tag.

5. Walking Date
Meet up with a friend and swap the cocktail hour for a physically distant walk. Or go for a stroll after dinner with your partner. It all adds up!



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