
20-Minute Cardio & Strength Workout

In-Shape | 23 Jun, 2022 | Workouts | Return|

Get your heart rate up and your muscles moving with a quick cardio workout that focuses on the pull movement. This AMRAP combo seems simple enough, but expect to feel out of breath and an awesome burn in your shoulders by your third or fourth round. Remember, you can always scale down the workout by switching to lighter dumbbells or trading jump squats for speed squats. Rest as needed - the important thing part is completing the entire AMRAP!


Work for 30 seconds, rest for 10. Repeat twice.

  • Hip Circles
  • Quick Feet
  • Jumping Jacks


As Many Rounds As Possible for 12 Min. Rest as needed.

  • 15 Jump/Speed Squats
  • 10 TRX or Dumbbell Rows
  • 5 Down Dogs

Cool Down

Work for 45 seconds and repeat twice.

  • Cat Cow
  • Wide-Legged Child’s Pose
  • Lower Back Rotation
  • Thread the Needle Stretch

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